February 5- 11, 2024
Warm welcome to join us on this deep dive into a unique process – a workshop lasting 2 hours a day for 7 days in Downtown Vancouver. During a deeply transformative week you will take part in a meditative therapy process that works energetically, bypassing the conscious, analytical mind, bringing participants to a moment-to-moment encounter with oneself.
OSHO® NO-MIND MEDITATIVE THERAPY process is scientifically designed to free old, stuck energies, renew vitality and create space for silence.
Within a supportive group field you will have the opportunity to explore the depths of your consciousness, experiences of inner peace, pure freedom and moments of profound clarity. Daily two-hour sessions are designed to bridge you deeper into a state of no-mind. The workshop combines dynamic and silent meditation techniques, guiding you through a process that dissolves the chatter of the mind and allows your authentic self to shine through.
Reserve Your Spot:
Limited spaces available – To secure your spot please send an email to katriina@katlas.ca
Dates : Feb 5 – Feb 11, 2024
Daily hours: from 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Where: Rhodes Wellness College, 1125 Howe Street, Vancouver, BC
Investment: $625
-Early bird price $550 available until 15th of January, 2024
-Last registration day is: February 1st ,2024
-To secure your place 100 cad of non -refundable deposit is required
For further information contact Shama
September 27- October 2, 2019
The first two basic modules of our training ( Out of Mind into The Body 1-2 ) is designed for to dive deep into your own inner world, to complete or resolve whatever you carry from your past that inhibits you to live your full potential. As well as to learn some basic skills for how to support a breath session.
Basic training part 2 is a continuation of Basic training 1 from more integration, opening and self growth. In this part of our training we will work on completion of releasing 7 belts of tension for a full opening the body as well as teaching you more tools and skills to support yourself in your lives.
In this module we will learn :
-Completion of Releasing 7 belts of tension in breath sessions : ( chest, diaphragm, abdomen, pelvis)
-To practise active meditations for well being and deeper integration,
-Learning to ground, centre and support ourselves for more presence in sessions,
-Basic Bioenergetics exercises to support the body for preparation of a breath session,
-Conscious movement and inquiry work
For further information contact Shama
September 25-28, 2019
This special program is designed for you to detox your body – mind – soul in a luxurious environment of Colorado -Vail. In this week you will have a chance to reset your nervous system, create harmony, silence and joy within. As well as you will be in a detox program to release all accumulated toxins from your system also you will loose weight.
This rejuvenating retreat is an experimental approach to experience oneself in a safe, loving space where you can have a chance to let go of your accumulated stress from your body and mind and your system.
In this workshop day by day everyday you will release tension from your body – mind and create space for profound healing to find your vitality and restore harmony in your mind-body connection.
During our program you will eat nutritious healthy organic no bloat food, detox your body – emotions with daily breath work sessions, detox yoga, active meditations and plant based healthy meals. You will learn how to meditate and experience many self healing modalities from chakra harmonizing meditations to spiritual massage sessions with mystic stones and crystals.
In addition to the retreat schedule, enjoy an array of colourful, nourishing and well-balanced meals lovingly made by professional chefs and consciously sourced from the organic, local organic field garden. Relax in the beautiful mountain view or enjoy some spare time in the cedar hot tub. Pamper yourself with a massage or other bodywork treatment steps away from your room.
Expert therapists in their fields, SHAMA and ERIKA come together to offer this wholistic opportunity for the first time in Colorado.
We invite you to take a journey from tension to relaxation in this unique five days Detox/ Anti-aging retreat.
• How to practice vinyasa yoga sequence by yourself and memorize without any teacher
• Wellness and anti-aging breath work and learn how to do by yourself in your daily life for youth
• How to practice mind fullness meditation by yourself
• Self hypnosis for your goals and self hypnoses yourself by yourself
• Healthy nutrition for your own unique body and no bloat diet; every body type is different
At the end of our program Retreat book will be given which includes healthy recipes for diet and everything we learn in this retreat.
Weight lost
Detox your body and mind
Better skin complexion
Enhanced vitality and self expression
Nervous system re-balancing
Awaken your life energy
Develop sense of inner calm and relaxation
Everyone wants to experience the benefits of some self-care time
Everyone invested in personal healing, growth and transformation.
Everyone who is dealing with anxiety, sleeping disorder or any conditions related to stress.
All levels are welcome / No previous experience is necessary.
SAMPLE SCHEDULE (this may change a little according to group specific needs)
9 am, Morning Meditation
9.30 am, Detox Yoga
10.30 am, Juice-Breakfast
11.30 am, Hike in Nature
2 pm, Lunch
3 pm, Breath work
4 pm, Massage, rest
6 pm, Kundalini meditation
7 pm, Dinner
9 pm, Deep relaxation with hypnosis
For registration please contact Shama from: info@shamabreath.com or check www.mercui.org
Price: starting 5000 usd /pp for Private room-bathroom; 5 days, 4500 usd/pp for Shared room-bathroom; 5 days.
(Pricing may change with early booking %10, please inquire)
For further information contact Shama
November 3 , 2019
What makes this workshop unique is that we will guide you into uncovering some hidden dynamics far deeper than conventional therapy can uncover.
In this intense 1 day workshop we will use the combination of Human Design and Breath-work fusion to shift the blocks preventing you from living fully with vitality and joy. First having a look into our self and not self mind, unique inner authority and then moving into the body with Breath-work. Our aim is to create a clearing and hold safe space for you to be inspired moving beyond the limits of the conditioned mind and congested body. Stepping into the freedom of your unique way of being with a lightness that comes from unburdening oneself, bringing more awareness, ease and laughter to your lives.
Depths that often influence the way we take life in or the way we live in life. This natural process of safely breathing life in gets entangled, caught up with the fears and stresses we carry in our bodies often unconsciously.
Anxieties, fears, phobias, obsessive thoughts, unexplained symptoms, chronic stress, unfulfilling relationships or the inability to go for success, could be belong to a energetic flow blockage within your system. Stemming from a blue print for how you operate and interact with the world, traumas that your storing in your body from the past therefor keeping you stuck in your repetitive patterns or cycle.
In this workshop you will be invited to create an experiential process where you are able to construct a visceral, three dimensional healing experience, that allows you to examine hidden dynamics, re set the block energies, create new positive images with new sensations that take root in the body and mind.Breath is a gateway to what creates self awareness, freedom and connection.
In the first half of the day Natasha will start with an overview of HUMAN DESIGN and what it can offer you as a tool. Followed by an insight on the 4 “types”, differentiating self and not-self and informing you one on one, of your own unique HUMAN DESIGN chart, creating a space for you to explore these new understandings in depth. Having a look at the resistance in your life and what is standing in the way of your full potential, freedom and expression. The group will then experience the subtle differences in Auric type beginning to notice what energy is correct and nourishing for them as they move around the room. The Human Design System is a synthesis of ancient and modern sciences and has proven to be a valuable tool for human understanding. It provides you with simple yet effective tools to enhance your life, reducing confusion, stress and resistance. It will give you more information about how to discover the key aspects of your unique true nature, awareness of others design, offering you a user manual specific to you for making decisions that move you along your path living your life as YOU in the most fulfilling way. It is essentially your own navigation tool.
In the second half of the day Shama with her 10+ years of experience in Body-phycotherapy and breath-work will create, safe, joyful envoirament for you to re-connect with your authentic self and body. BREATH-WORK is an effective tool that allows deep integration to your body, resetting traumas and creating a state of inner piece, harmony and balance. It allows you to let go of stuck emotions and gain a sense of freedom as well as cultivates a deeper connection with yourself and others.
This natural process of safely breathing life in gets entangled, caught up with the fears and stresses we carry in our bodies often unconsciously. Breath is a gateway to what creates self awareness, freedom and connection. We will conclude our day with a one hour Kundalini Meditation to shake off and balance the body energy, so the participants leave the workshop calm and grounded.
This Workshop Is Perfect For Beginners And Experienced Attendees Alike. A Place To Deepen Any Experience You May Have With Either Human Design Or Breath Work In Community.The Atmosphere Will Be Comfortable And Safe At All Times. There Will Also Be Time For Sharing, Which Is One Of The Important Parts Of The Workshop Process And Integration.
For further information contact Shama
November 23-24, 2019
A journey to inner liberation / DE-conditioning process
This workshop is an invitation for those who wants to reset their nervous system, release stress, and shift their unconscious patterns that prevents them to achieve their full potential in life. It is also an oppurtunity for breath-work facilitators to learn more skills to work with others.
This workshop is fun, yet goes deep enough to support you to explore your authentic self and prevents you to completely be yourself.
If you want to experience a deep state of relaxation and more harmony in your body & mind, this workshop is not to be missed.
Shama with her 10+ years of experience in Body-phycotherapy and breath-work, creates a loving, safe joyful envoirament for you to re-connect with your authentic self. And learn new ways of being.
We all are born in resonation with life. We come to this world with an ability to connect, securely attach and with a capacity to deeply love. This is our absolute true nature!
If we are lucky enough first we explore these qualities with our care givers and then with the rest of the world. This is what nurtures us, makes us fell alive, joyful, connected, safe and in harmony with the world.
Unfortunately not all of us are that lucky. Some of us in order to fit in, to be loved or to be excepted has to learn in very early ages to adapt to their envoirament. Or maybe as an adults later in life, we have to learn how to adapt to some difficult situations.( work stress, relationship problems, stress of life in general etc,) Even though this is a survival strategy, emotional repression blocks our vitality, not only on mentally and emotionally, but physically too.
With no exception, when we have been exposed to fearful or overwhelming situations, as a response our muscles contracts. Which is healthy and normal. However, if our muscles muscles remain in that contracted state, it becomes unhealthy. When these muscle contractions lock, the body loses some of its natural core wisdom and develops disturbed breathing patterns which inhibit health, life energy, and that feeling of aliveness. This is what we call chronic stress!
This breath workshop is designed for you to:
-release all accumulated stress in your body
experience full body openness and healthy energy flow.
-re-learn how to be in your body in a relax and joyous way
-explore creative ways to reconnect and express your emotions in a healthy/ natural way
-re-learn how create healthy boundaries an safe connection with others.
-learn how connect with the hidden pleasure of your body and log in with the full potential of your life energy.
In this 2 day Breath intensive workshop through active meditations, dance, movement and breath-work you will reconnect with your body, awaken your life energy, open more space for creativity, self expression and joy.
Requirements :
– All levels welcomed
– No previous breath-work experience is needed!
– The group will start sharp at 11 am – till 6pm on Saturday 23 rd ,
_9am till 6 pm on Sunday 24th .
-Please arrive 10 minutes before the workshop.
-Please bring a yoga mat, a blanket and bottle of water.
Dates :23-24 November ,2019
Place : TBD / Mvmtlab( will be informed soon )
Investment : 360 cad per person
For further information contact Shama
December 6-8, 2019
*Continuing Education Credits for certified yoga teachers (Yoga Alliance – optional) !
This special program is designed for you to have a little break from your busy lives, and to have chance to reset your nervous system, create harmony, silence and joy within.
With the quick pace of society today, very little time is left for doing the self-work needed to re-connect with one’s true self. Increased traumas, stress and lack of ability to express or release this stress inevitably causes tension and eventually illness in the body. This rejuvenating retreat is an experimental approach to experience oneself in a safe, loving space where you can have a chance to let go of your accumulated stress, come back to your body, and re-connect with your emotions, giving them a chance to be expressed and integrated.
Throughout your days on the magical mountainside, you will learn to gently release your body armour and defence mechanisms and experience what it feels like to come HOME to your body. In this workshop you will learn to release tension and create space for profound healing. You will find your vitality and restore harmony in your mind-body connection.
In addition to the retreat schedule, enjoy an array of colourful, nourishing and well-balanced meals lovingly made by professional chefs and consciously sourced from the organic, on-property garden. Relax in the beautiful Maloca or enjoy some spare time in the cedar hot tub or sauna looking out at the Kootenay Mountains. Pamper yourself with a massage or other bodywork treatment steps away from your room.
Expert therapists in their fields, Shannon & Shama come together to offer this wholistic opportunity for the first time on the West coast.
We invite you to take a journey from tension to relaxation in this unique three-day fusion retreat. We hope you can join us for this invigorating and memorable experience!
This program includes :
▪️Daily yoga practices (Yoga Alliance CEU for RYTs)
▪️Daily breath work sessions (to create a gentle release and trauma resolution in your nervous system )
▪️Daily active meditations (to learn how to support your nervous system in your daily lives)
▪️Daily Ayurvedic practices (to rejuvenate the mind & body)
▪️Fire ceremony (Learning art of letting go )
▪️Daily Ayurvedic meals
Benefits of the retreat:
▪️Release stress and stored trauma in your body
▪️Develop a sense of deeper inner calm and relaxation
▪️Enhanced vitality and self-expression
▪️Unblock the body’s holding patterns that restrict your energetic potential
▪️Detox your body & your mind
▪️Awaken your life energy
▪️Re-connect with your true self
▪️Enjoy the community of like minded people
Who is this weekend retreat for :
▪️Everyone wants to experience the benefits of some self care time
▪️Everyone invested in personal healing, growth and transformation.
▪️Everyone who is dealing with anxiety, sleeping disorder or any conditions related with stress.
▪️Yoga students, teachers interested in gaining continuing education credits
▪️No previos yoga or breath experience is necessary, must be 19+
▪️Arrival – December 5th
▪️Departure – Sunday, December 7th (optional 4th night – depart Monday)
▪️The Sentinel
▪️5278 Amundsen rd. Kaslo, BC
For registration please contact Shama at : info@shamabreath.com
For further information contact Shama
December 11-15, 2019

For further information contact Shama
December 23-27, 2019
The first two basic modules of our training ( Out of Mind into The Body 1-2 ) is designed for to dive deep into your own inner world, to complete or resolve whatever you carry from your past that inhibits you to live your full potential. As well as to learn some basic skills for how to support a breath session.
In this part of our training our aim is to create a good foundation towards experiencing oneself and to bring your energy from your minds to the bodies. We will create a safe space where you can experience what it is to be in your body in a relaxed and natural way. In order to create this space within you we will work in a very gentle way to discharge the tension from your system. We will be working with specific tension releasing techniques on each part of your bodies which are related with different segments that holds the tension. As we start to release tension that we carry in our system we will start to feel more connected with ourselves and have a chance to experience full opening in our body & mind system.
Once we release the tension from our body and feel more connected and open we can have a taste of who we really are. We can understand more what are our needs and what stops us from being in our total life energy.
In this module we will learn,
• Body armouring by body segments (Releasing 7 belts of tension in breath sessions : eyes and forehead, throat, shoulders & arms)
• To practise active meditations for well being and deeper integration
• Transformative Breath Sessions
• Basic Bioenergetics exercises to support the body for preparation of a breath session
• Conscious movement and inquiry work
• The map of the 7 belts
• The trauma model
For further information contact Shama
March 15, 2020
Transomatic Breath workshop is a combination of breath work, conscious movement, bioenergetics and active meditations to break through the many layers of body armouring to shift the blocks preventing you to live fully with vitality and joy.
This unique combination helps you to let go of stuck emotions and gain sense of freedom as well as cultivates a deeper connection with yourself and others.
This workshop is a journey into wholeness for those who want to experience deep emotional and physical relaxation, joy and rejuvenation. It is uniquely designed to provide a safe, joyous space where you can re-connect with the forgotten language of your body and release restored physical, emotional and mental tension to create more harmony and aliveness within.
Our aim is to create unique space for you to be inspired and encouraged to move beyond the limits of conditioning, and step into a new way of being with a lightness that comes from unburdening oneself, bringing more awareness, ease, laughter and free expression to your lives.
This workshop will help you to regain your inner-power back to achieve your goals, feeling healthy, alive, joyous and be creative in your daily lives again!
Some of the Benefits:
-Release stress and anxiety
-Create more nervous system regulation
-Enhance your ability to express your feeling and how to create healthier boundires
-Gain direction in life by deepening your connection with your authentic self
-Bring your body into a state of inner peace, harmony and balance
-Open up your senses in all dimensions, release blocks to intimacy
-Exchange feelings of depression and hopelessness for inner peace, freedom and Joy
Location: Numinus- Empower Health Studio
Time: 10 am – 9 pm
For further information contact Shama
March 29, 2020
Transomatic Breath workshop is a combination of breath work, conscious movement, bioenergetics and active medtiations to break through the many layers of body armouring to shift the blocks preventing you to live fully with vitality and joy.
This unique combination helps you to let go of stuck emotions and gain sense of freedom as well as cultivates a deeper connection with yourself and others.
This workshop is a journey into wholeness for those who want to experience deep emotional and physical relaxation, joy and rejuvenation. It is uniquely designed to provide a safe, joyous space where you can re-connect with the forgotten language of your body and release restored physical, emotional and mental tension to create more harmony and aliveness within.
This workshop will help you to regain your inner-power back to achieve your goals, feeling healthy, alive, joyous and be creative in your daily lives again!
Some of the Benefits:
-Release stress and anxiety
-Create more nervous system regulation
-Enhance your ability to express your feeling and how to create healthier bounderies
-Gain direction in life by deepening your connection with your authentic self.
-Bring your body into a state of inner peace, harmony and balance
-Open up your senses in all dimensions, release blocks to intimacy
-Exchange feelings of depression and hopelessness for inner peace, freedom and Joy
Location: Numinus- Empower Health Studio
Time: 10 am – 9 pm
For further information contact Shama
July 4-11 2020
BIOENERGETIC NEFES hayatın getirdiği zorluklar ve travmaların sonucunda oluşmuş olan zihinsel, duygusal, fiziksel direncimizi kırmak ve yasam enerjimizle tekrardan bağlantıya geçerek hayatımızda denge ve içsel huzuru yakalamamızı sağlamanın yollarını deneyimlemek ve öğrenmek üzerine tasarlanmıştır.
Nefes Terapisi, vücut merkezli terapilerin içinde yer alan, derin duygusal ve fiziksel rahatlatma sağlayan etkili bir terapi seklidir. Nefes Terapisi sinir sistemimiz, kas ve eklemlerimizde birikmiş olan stres ve gerginliklerin çözülümüne imkan sağlayan en etkili ve doğal terapi şekillerinden biridir. Birçoğumuz sadece Nefes kapasitemizin %30 ‘unu kullanarak hayatımıza devam ediyoruz. Vücudumuza aldığımız eksik oksijenden dolayı ise kronik yorgunluk, stres ve birçok rahatsızlık ile baş etmek zorunda kalıyoruz.
Kronik Stres günlük hayatimizin vazgeçilmez bir parçası halini aldı. Yoğun strese maruz kaldığımızda vücudumuz otomatik olarak bazı fizyolojik reaksiyonlar verir. Birçoğumuz farkında olmadan kronik strese maruz kalıp, bu sürecin yarattığı psikolojik ve fiziksel komplikasyonlar, kronik ağrılar, hastalıklar, uyku bozuklukları, unutkanlık, bağımlılıklar, devamlı gerginlik, huzursuzluk hali, panik atak vs. gibi sinir sistemi odaklı problemler ile baş etmeye çalışıyoruz. Bioenergetic Nefesi, sisteminizde birikmiş olan kronik gerginliklerin çözülümüne imkan sağlarken, tum vucut acilimina olanak tanır.
Bioenergetic Nefes, 16 yıllık Nefes Terapisti olan Shama’nin uzun yıllar içinde aldığı birçok beden merkezli terapi ve travma eğitimlilerinin meyvesi olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Bioenergetic Nefes, Wilheim Reich~ Karakter analizi teorisi, Elsa Gindler ~Dans ve Nefes farkındalığı, Alexander Lowen~ Bioenegetics, Lisbeth Marcher ~ Bodynamics, Osho’s Diamond Breath ve son olarak Peter Lavine ~Somatic Experiencing / Travma çözülümü ) , prensiplerinin ve anlayışının mükemmel bir füzyonudur. Shama her sinir sisteminin birbirinden farklı olduğunu, bu farklılıktan dolayı ise herkese uygulanacak olan yaklaşımın da farklı olması gerektiğine inanmaktadır..
Shama Nefes ve Beden merkezli terapi uygulamalarında travma ve travmanın kas, eklem ve sinir sistemimizin üzerindeki etkilerinin önemle dikkate alınması gerektiğine ve duyguları çözmek ve sistemi rahatlatmak adına kişilerin sistemine uygulanacak olan sitimülasyonun, sistemi gereğinden fazla uyararak tekrardan travmayı tetiklemeden aktarımına dikkat edilmesi gerektiğinin önemine inanmaktadır. Bu anlayıştan yola çıkarak oluşturduğu programında, Reichian vücut zırhını kırma tekniklerini, travma çözülümü ve sinir sisteminin çalışma prensipleri ile birleştirmiştir.
Kayit :Anda Akademi / Anand Arun : parlaturan@gmail.com
For further information contact Shama
July 26-30, 2020
Transomatic Breath workshop is a combination of breath work, conscious movement, bioenergetics and active meditations to break through the many layers of body armouring to shift the blocks preventing you to live fully with vitality and joy.
This unique combination helps you to let go of stuck emotions and gain sense of freedom as well as cultivates a deeper connection with yourself and others.
This workshop is a journey into wholeness for those who want to experience deep emotional and physical relaxation, joy and rejuvenation. It is uniquely designed to provide a safe, joyous space where you can re-connect with the forgotten language of your body and release restored physical, emotional and mental tension to create more harmony and aliveness within.
Our aim is to create unique space for you to be inspired and encouraged to move beyond the limits of conditioning, and step into a new way of being with a lightness that comes from unburdening oneself, bringing more awareness, ease, laughter and free expression to your lives.
This workshop will help you to regain your inner-power back to achieve your goals, feeling healthy, alive, joyous and be creative in your daily lives again!
Some of the Benefits:
-Release stress and anxiety
-Create more nervous system regulation
-Enhance your ability to express your feeling and how to create healthier boundires
-Gain direction in life by deepening your connection with your authentic self
-Bring your body into a state of inner peace, harmony and balance
-Open up your senses in all dimensions, release blocks to intimacy
-Exchange feelings of depression and hopelessness for inner peace, freedom and Joy
For further information contact Shama
August 1-5, 2020
We invite you to awaken your body and emotions with the power of breath and let go of all the tension that inhibits you to re-connect with your life energy, creativity and joy. Stress is the most common problem and we all experience the symptoms of stress in our system in daily basis. Some of us experience lack of energy, anxiety or physical symptoms like chronic pains, sleeping disorders etc.
In this 2 hours workshop with the help of breath work, movement and dance; we will create an experience of deep state of relaxation and harmony within.
The OSHO Afroz Summer Festival happens every year in late August in OSHO Afroz Meditation Center on the beautiful Island of Lesvos in sunny Greece and everyone is invited.
It is gathering of the friends of OSHO and of whoever feels like joining the celebrations.
An unforgettable five days adventure in which during the 5 days you can be enriched and have life changing experiences through meditations, workshops, morning classes, dance and movement, creativity and art – and of course a swim at the beach nearby.
Everyone Welcome!!!
For further information contact Shama